When the mower starts up, the chickens come running. They cluck and sing and get all manner of excited. The first thing I usually do is walk the mower down to them and cut the grass around their pen INTO their pen. It's an all out riot. They flap their wings and stretch their legs and necks and then get to gobbling all that yummy grass up.

We've had that very mower for almost seven years. I could write pages on how wonderful it has been. Thanks Dad...

I have been busier than I prefer to be lately. I have to just get through this month and then my mind will be less muddled with "stuff". It isn't gonna be easy, but I will do every single thing I have to do away from home so that come June and July I can be my hermit self again.
I'm making some crazy decisions these days and really excited about some changes to come. I'll let ya know soon...
Have a good day, people!
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