Here is the girl in line to get her diploma.

And here she is after just getting it. *I cried.*

Then I went back to wrangling the girls. We went on several walks.

Took lots of pictures.

And waited at the door for Monna. Look at that happy smile!!! (and the cool shoes again...)

I love the look on her face! That is her Lovin' Husband - J.C. - and our sweet Mama.

I'm all teary again.

These are Monna's newest family members (J.C.'s parents Davida and John). Look between her and J.C. Anndee was a little ornery at this point, but that's ok. :)

Our wonderful Granny came down from Ohio to see all the festivities. We so miss our Gramps and are happy that Granny has been visiting often. It is nice just to be able to hug her whenever I want!! *Granny gives just the BEST hugs.*

If my dad had buttons on his shirt, they'd be popping off!! And a happy, proud, pretty Mama. Sorry Monna, but I only had this picture of you with Daddy and Ma. Your closed eyes are just beautiful!

And some seriously proud sisters!! Those girls there are two of the very best friends I'll ever have in my life. That is Betsy on the right. She has the distinction of being the best self-picture taker in the family... When I try to get 3 people in a picture, I usually just get one and a half! I've never noticed before, but we all have the same eyes... *happy*
1 comment:
Great pics..luv your blogs....your neighbor_
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