I am sure that the apparatus below has a formal name such as stake driver or well, something like that anyway. I'm sure that most every farmer has one and knows the name for it. We, however, are
fake farmers. Or at least that is what Adam says because the only farm animals that we have are chickens. Long story short, we don't know the proper name for it, but we felt like we should call it SOMETHING. It has really come in more handy than just about anything around the place. We call it The Slammer. Not real creative, I know, but that is what it does so that is what we named it. (Please disregard burn pile in the thorn trees from hell. It has been too rainy to burn and looks not so great. Let us just focus on The Slammer.)

I used it *for the first time* myself the other day while Adam was teaching. Not knowing that it MAKES YOU GO DEAF FOR TEN MINUTES after you use it. Only then does the Lovin' Husband tell me that he usually plugs his ears before he uses it. I guess he figured I wasn't ever going to use it as long as I had him around to do my dirty work. So here is my Baby with his ears all plugged up with paper towels. (
whispering - he doesn't know that cotton balls really work much better. Isn't that cute??) And there is my most awesome wheel barrow that my parents got me for my birthday. Thanks, padres!!!!

We finally planted bunches of tomatoes and they need caging and staking. (weeds are not there anymore...)

Now our lovely Cherokee Purples are all snug as a bug in their new home.

And we will both be able to hear for years yet to come.
1 comment:
So, Jason knows what that is, I think....I'll ask him when he's not snoring. In the mean time, I want you to know that i now know what to get Adam for his birthday....and oh, what a cheap date he is. :) Heehee.....I do think The Slammer is a better name for it than whatever it really is. But then, I would.
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