I have become a fairly early riser. A fairly happy early riser. My dad would probably think that was funny because in the mornings when I was growing up, he called me The Bear. I think maybe I was a tad bit grumpy in the mornings back then. I digress.
My wonderful husband is NOT an early riser so I have mornings much to myself. The ritual is dogs out, don't let the cat's through the door while doing dogs out, check the baby chicks, wash hands, brush teeth, make coffee, get dogs, turn on computer, check coffee (I make it on the stove because it just tastes better that way), check email, get coffee, blog, then start my day. Sometimes I do things like this...

And this.... I like to take pictures of my morning shadow. This particular sunrise was delightful by the way. This was Friday morning. I was waiting on Adam to get out of bed and also on my parents and Granny to come for a visit.

Granny wanted to see the chicks. I'll just say right now that somehow I didn't take a picture of my sweet Mama. You will see her tomorrow, so don't fret!

She had barred rocks when she was growing up... it was so good to have her visit!

BoJangles decided Dad was ok and preceded to sleep on his foot. I think Dad thought that was pretty cool.

Saturday was the baby sister's recital.

I got to be part of it as did another sis...

Sunday was my day to do music at Dad's church. I'll talk more about that later....

Have a lovely day. Keep smilin' even if the sun ain't shinin'!!!!!
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