I had the pleasure of accompanying one of my students to Rockwood, Tn to purchase a violin from Mr. Charles Horner. He made the violin that I own in 1984 and I am here to tell ya that they just keep getting better and better.

He is an easy going, wonderful man to meet and personable as the day is long. I think it is neat that he has "scrap" Gibson mandolin necks and headstocks just hanging around...

We got him talking and had a grand time discussing fiddles, different woods, fiddlers, and how different each fiddle sounds. He told us about Mountain Mahogany (that isn't really mahogany at all), blood wood, box wood (he is allergic to that so doesn't use it much), maple, spruce, you get the point, I'm sure!

I guess these didn't cut the mustard...

This one's varnish is drying. Isn't it pretty? It had a highly flamed, BEAUTIFUL one piece back. "If I had a million dollars.... " (Name that song...)

Here are some of the ones we had to pick from. The reddish/dark one on the far right sounded BEAUTIFUL and so lush and mellow.

Here is one in the process of coming to greatness...

I can't say enough good about this man. I am so glad to have met him and also glad that my students have the opportunity to experience going to his "shop" when they decide it is time for The Fiddle of their life...
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