Adam and I went to Gruhn's Guitars in Nashville a couple of weeks ago to purchase a violin for my student Mary. We were both excited - me to see the violins and Adam to see the banjos and guitars.

We went up to the second floor to find the fiddle I found on the internet and it took the very nice sales dude to find it, so of course I get out my camera and started taking more pictures of a huge violin cabinet than I'll ever really need. But it is a VIOLIN CABINET. A CABINET of VIOLINS. Ok, just had to get that out of my system.

The friendly sales dude finally found Mary's violin in the corner. It is the one in the case on the very right. What does it look like you ask?

Here's a peek...

A happy Mary playin' Faded Love and happy that it sounds like a song on her new axe.

Here is the lovely lady herself. I didn't take a picture of the back and should have. The stain and woodgrain were both lovely. The violin is an early 20th century german model. I LOVE those...and now...so does Mary!!

Doesn't she look soooo happy? She is a good student, Mary. She really desires to be able to play and she works hard at it. I get the priveledge of being her teacher for three years until she retires and moves back to New York.
1 comment:
These are neato photos. Good job.
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