I love baby feet. Their toes are just so...so chubby and cute and...well, I could go on for days. This is Liam - Adam's sweet, perfect, beautiful, adorable nephew.

You can kind of see what he's gonna look like when he grows up in this picture. Maybe I'm delusional, but I really do think so...

Since the beginning of Liam and Adam's relationship, the little guy has always smiled at Adam...well since smiling was something he could do anyway. Adam will make a face - any face - and Little Dude will bust a gut. Then Adam laughs, then Little Dude laughs...you get the point, I hope. I have many pictures of this, but I felt like this captured the moment well. You'll notice Adam is making a strange face and Little Guy is really laughing good. They like each other...I think it's neat that they already have such a special bond.

Here we are at the Mason lodge for some of the best bbq EVER. I do have a picture of the lodge, but I like this better...

There was an old, beat up truck there and I, being me, stood around like an idiot taking pictures of it. Really, though, I can only stand around and talk for so long. We'll be seeing more of the neato truck in the very near future
nice hooters....one day.....
and i would stand around and take photos of the truck, as you well know, so we must be related.
altho no one could tell by comparison of the hooters....
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