
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us...

I'm still madly in love with him and I know he's still madly in love with me because I got a card this morning. He bought it while he was out yesterday and put it in the bathroom for me to find when I woke up. He always tells me he loves me and happy anniversary and all that, but I don't usually get beautiful cards with sweet messages written in them... it isn't usually his way.

So six years is not a long time, I know, but at the same time we have learned one another. Learned how to give and take and argue without really arguing (most of the time!). We've learned how to fix each other's coffee and fix each other's feelings. It is a beginning, I think, a promise.

I know that God gave me Adam because he's all I ever prayed for in a husband and then some. He truly is my helpmeet, my other half, my true love... and my backup guitar player!!! Ha!! ...only on the fiddle songs, baby... :)


Betsy said...

well, some dude at rodney's work told him that in this day and age if you make it to 5 years you are an OLD pro and you have beaten the odds... really... if you think about it... these days... he's right. (sadly to say)
So 6 years i'd say is pretty good

@wesome@bby said...

You KNOW you've been married a while when he gets you a card. It's a huge stepping stone (in the right direction). :) LOL......I still know where the first (and last) card Jason bought me is. I could go and get it right now. And...happy anniversary.