I've been thinking a lot lately about the things in life that are the most important. One of those things for me is to always be me - my genuine self - and if folks don't like it (me), they don't have to. Hey, it is a free world, right? This seems like an easy enough idea, but it has taken me almost thirty years to get my brain wrapped around it!
Another important thing for me is my relationships with people. From my husband to my family to someone I see in the park while I walk.
My sisters...I could write pages about how my sisters all three are my three very best friends. How I never get to see them or their kids, or in Monna's case Phoebe (my new great dane niece), enough. I could write pages on how fun it is to have my Friday lunches and thrift shopping with Abby. More pages on Soccer games and late night visits and woderful nieces and nephew. Words simply do not give credit to how much fun I have with Bets and her kiddos (how much I've missed them lately!) when I spend the night with them. Look out Florida!! And more pages on Monna. Words cannot express how I love my Monna. The picture above is one of my favorites from her wedding. She and JC stood in that exact spot and pledged their lives to one another. If you don't know Miss Monna, take a good look at that picture and you will know her much better...
Now, you tell me...
What are three things in your life that you thank God for every day? If you do not have a Google ID (Ma :), get one so that you can comment on your daughters pages!!
Peace out