Adam's nephew Liam had his first birthday party on Saturday. I did not get to go due to back injury and am sorry I missed it judging from Adam's pictures. Yes. Adam took the camera so that I would be ok about it all, I think and then actually used it! I am so proud of him! I digress. Looks like Liam chowed down on his cake!!

and this one.... my goodness...

I like this picture. Don't know why, but I do. That is Keith (Adam's brother) and Line' - proud mama and papa to the cutie pie himself.

The best thing about Stenberg parties is that you get to see family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and for us country mice (hee hee) immediated family... This is Adam's dad, Jeff, and brother Keith. You can really tell that they're related, huh?

Now this one I like because obviously someone else was taking a picture and got Keith and Line' full on, but ol Liam was taken with Uncle Adam... those eyes!!

Here is the fam minus Line', Liam, and myself. Those girls are just as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside and their boys are sweet as they come.

So today we are thankful for families!!!!
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