Let us study this picture. At first glance, it's a pretty good picture of ol' Mondo (a.k.a Bad Dog). Then you see the drool...then the pile of fur that I combed off of him in less than five minutes. Then I see that his ears are perked up. That is never a good thing, people. That means he is contemplating. Mondo contemplating ANYTHING is NEVER a good thing. Ever. He just looks like he's getting ready to a) run just for the fun of it, b) run because he wants to sniff a kitten, c) run because he wants to jump in my neighbors pond, or d) run becuase he wants to kill chickens. Today it was c) run because he wanted to jump in my neighbor's pond and then come put a wet, St. Bernard shaped muddy spot on my kitchen floor. This made me feel not so good...

Let us now discuss this picture. It makes me feel REALLY good...

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