This is Violet. I found her in my backyard after a really bad storm one night. Being a Cocker Spaniel, she had dreds like Bob Marley and it took us forever to make the poor girl look like the doggy that we knew she was deep within. That was about six months or so ago. She is still recovering and sometimes goes into shell shock when it thunders, but she is so much better now. She follows us dutifully wherever we go be it inside or outside and is figuring out that life can actually be pretty fun for a dog. When no one is looking, she even runs fast enough so that her ears flop...

These two people here are my best friends hands down...they both make me happy when skies are grey.

Lady bugs definitely make me happy...thank you God for ladybugs.

Why did the turtle cross the road?

This guy really makes me happy. He is supportive, hot, makes me laugh, is kind to animals, and can play the fire out of that banjo! I don't have enough room on this post to list everything about the Lovin' Husband that makes me happy, but those are a few of the important reasons...
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