I like that I can see the inside of the tree clearly and the outside is fuzzy. Wouldn't it be nice if people were like that? We wouldn't pay much attention to the outside - the inside is what we would consider important and cherish about one another. If we could each see deep into other's true thoughts and feelings, I think we would all be more likely to accept one another - flaws and all.
Yeh, probly. :) Ur a smart one...you must get it from ur older sis. :) Heehee...you are the only person I can say that to that know EXACTLY which older sis I'm referring to, no if's and's or but's. BWAHhhaaahhhaaaaa!
BLOG, darnit! :)
Only 2 days and part of another before I get lunch with my sis!!!! WOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Hey... I guess I didn't realize how long it had been since I actually had time to get on here.
The tree picture is adorable.. and the turtle.. hee hee.. i LOVE him!
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