No, this is not a spooky October night. This is most nights in the summer for us and Neighbor Stan. We sit on his backporch and visit, play songs for one another, and solve the problems of the world.

There is the Lovin' Husband sitting by the tiki. He and Neighbor Stan are having a heated conversation here. About the tiki. Tikis are very important out here as that is our signal that it is ok to wander over and visit. Without Neighbor Stan's tiki, we are all very lonely people.

There is Neighbor Stan himself. He took a break from the "heated conversation" to pose for me. Very nice of you, Stan, but if you do it EVERY TIME that I take your picture, it is hard to capture the essence that IS Neighbor Stan...

There is me. Nough said there...

There is Matoike. She and her cat friends always wander over with us. I keep telling them that smoking is bad, but they insist in the keeping of their bad habits. Just look at the lengths she'll go to for nicotine!! Shame on you, Matoike.