We have these two black cats. I call them One and Two because you can't tell them apart. One of them will let you pet him and the other won't - that is about the only difference. I've noticed lately that when I go down to the chicken coop, they follow and hop up on the roof to check out a) the goings on in the run (which is the fenced in area the chickens hang in) and b)the goings on in the coop. When I took these pictures a couple of days ago, only one of the duo was there, but usually they hop up there together and stare at you. It is kind of freaky because they are so similar. As usual I am taking pictures while my Lovin' Husband works. Here we ( and I use the term "we" loosely here people) are getting the composted (old) chicken poop OUT of the coop to put IN our garden. It is full of goodness for our growing and hungry plants. 
See the composted poop? There is straw in there, too. We put straw in there for the chickies to be comfy in and they reward us by pooping in it and breaking it down. We then (not often enough) remove straw and poop. Free fertilizer. Well, I guess not free, but REALLY cheap.
I post of the cats often enough to explain why I like them so much, I suppose. We had one cat show up and now have quite a few. They keep the voles (mousey rodent types) pretty much gone from the chicken coop, the moles and rabbits out of the garden, and even help with keeping the birds out, too. They do earn their keep. I find them interesting and Adam finds them a pain in his butt until he remembers why he will get to eat broccoli in June. Then he cusses and feeds them. I in turn love on them as much as they will let me. Very self sufficient, the kitties.
They watch the chickens, I watch them, and Adam tolerates us all...

See ya on the flip side...
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