Why a grasshopper, you ask? I'm out of current pictures to share because I haven't taken any. The lovely Tennessee weather has NOT been so lovely. We've been having lower than normal temps and a LOT of rain and wind. Not weather really condusive to taking pictures - outside anyway. And if I take a picture inside it'll either be a)my sweet Lovin' Husband b)a dog c) a guitar or d)myself. Outside is must more fun!
The potatoes are sprouting. The peas, turnips, and koh rabi are also coming up and I planted beans a few days ago when the weather was actually WARM. My dad gave me the seeds last year. They are called Derby Beans. They are a bush bean that are supposed to fruit all season. Stringlessly. I'm excited about this.
Adam and I have been weeding beds. Our tiller is broken, but we try not to use it anyway. I love my worms!!! This means lots of hand work that just takes time people. We're finally over half done and the garden is looking so good. I think I'll go out and take some pictures in a minute. That way tomorrow when I wake up and blog I'll have something to blog about that you can SEE!! Won't that be nice? I digress. I have a bed of reseeding cilantro that also has garlic and bee balm in it and I added asparagus this year. It will be some craziness and I'm looking forward to seeing what it will look like.
The little chickies ain't so little anymore and we have GOT to get a coop up before they take over the back porch! This is the project of the week along with tilling up old garden beds. (My wonderful dad is letting us borrow his tiller for a few days.)
I'm going to visit my parents and sister today. I have a guitar student in that town and my sweet baby sister is starting her first garden! We've been discussing the best way to make her dirt better and chicken poop is way at the top of the list - along with some slow release organic fertilizer goodness. I'm excited to help her make a beautiful and bountiful garden!
Have a great day, everyone, and please be extra kind and understanding today. Smile at someone and just sit at some point today and feel the warm sun on your face. Think on all of the people who have helped make you who you are and about who you can influence just by smiling!!!
So much love,
I am going to really learn about WHY even though I separate my sentence grouping they end up back together again. Until then, enjoy the colorful posts, I guess... :)