...and this is what I found. Bulldogs are an endless source for entertainment with one's camera. I have more pictures of Maggie, I think, than any of my other sweet puppies. More to come on Maggie for sure....but for now, let us continue on this post of randomness...

Here we have my neighbors daffodills (or as Big Sis Abby says, buttercups). These are not neighbor Stan's (see a couple of posts down) daffo-cups. They are Richard's butter-dills. Richard is our neighbor that lives twenty or some odd miles away, but owns some land next to us. So technically he is, in fact, our neighbor - of sorts. Long story short, I liked the posies (that is what my Dear Ole Dad would calll them) and the barbed wire in the same pic and then the old wheel lends an air of, well...
oldness. Not to mention the cool stump that used to be a pretty tree, but it is doin' good as a stump, too. So there's that. I had a lot to say about that one...

What is this you ask...

Oh! Chicken food...mmmmm...(at least to the lovely lady atop the bucket). Ummm, please don't look at the mess....Mess? What mess? I don't see a mess. {bashful grin}
The end...
If that dog was at my house I would say it was licking its lips because of the chicken... but... since that dog isn't at my house.... well... i still bet the lips were being licked because of the chicken!
heehee...i love me some butterycups! :)
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