Fun Fact #1 - I love bees...big ones, tiny ones, medium sized ones. I think what they do is neat. Their purpose is huge and they take their jobs so seriously. This one tried to chase me off, but I was patient and he settled down nicely to his pollen sampling after a few dive bombs in my direction. (See the tiny bee, too?)

Fun Fact #2: Our bee model here is sampling some "Bee Balm". Other than just being pretty, this plant (the leaves) was also used as a tea (called Oswego Tea) for American Indians and Colonists in the early days of our country (I read that somewhere). It is in the mint family, so the tea thing makes sense to me (Read that somewhere, too). It also comes in a variety of colors and grows wild in the Appalachian mountains (and all over, but I have SEEN it growing wild there). This particular Bee Balm is not in the mountains - it is in my garden!

Fun Fact #3: Did I mention I like bees?
1 comment:
Is that bee coming after you in that one picture??
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