
Friday, February 20, 2009

Friends and Neighbors

The good buddy, David, came over to jam and visit tonight. Many an evening have we all spent together playing music and talking about life. Just existing together and makin' it... Neighbor Stan was out next door and Adam heard him strummin' on his patio while walking Mondo. I conned him into playing me a tune. He writes when the notion takes him.

These two. Friends doesn't even begin to cover it. They love each other. I can't count the days we've all spent together. Tonight is a good night.

Friday, February 13, 2009

They Work for Worms

When planning the doing of things around the house and yard, Adam and I always try to plan as best we can. I always forget about 15-20 additions, though. First lets add 10 chickens to the actual landscaping work (explanation about 1 paragraph down). Then lets add a few cats and just for the fun of it tag on a St. Bernard, a Bulldog, and a few mutts. Why not, right? Makes things more interesting. As if the actual landscaping isn't challenge enough.

If you look at the picture below, you'll see a black chicken toward the right of the flock with wings akimbo. (Note to Adam: when throwing clods of dirt and weeds into the yard, WATCH OUT FOR THE CHICKENS, HONEY. They take offense at such disturbance.)
Now here we see the lovely ladies actually WORKING for their keep for a change... They love worms. More than my flowers, more than my (organic and NOT CHEAP) garlic fertilizer, more than the food we BUY for them, more than anything they LOVE worms. Did you know a chicken can destroy a garden bed that took hours to prepare and plant in about 10 minutes? I took this knowledge and applied it to the preparation of the front bed. They actually helped here by doing what chickens do best... looking for ....WORMS!!! (And even out the ground so that we don't have to rake it.)
They aren't shy in their search. They know that we're turning up fresh dirt and come running as fast as their little scaley feet can carry them. Then it's on...

Notice our lovely Barred Rock wants to see what's under that rock WAY MORE than Adam does. A feast of roly poly bugs await. She got pretty ticked when he flopped the rock back down. A ruffling of feathers and a grand show of irritation followed.

It really IS all about them....

or so they think...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Question For You, Dear Reader...

I was searching randomly for a picture that I liked and settled on this one because it made me feel good. The sight of a dirt path and trees with almost tangible sunshine all around is enough to overwhelm me with contentment. And a bubbly kind of joy that I cannot quite describe...yet.

So, then I wondered how it would make someone else feel. Maybe the sight of a dirt path doesn't make everyone feel just like it makes ME feel. I then decided of course it wouldn't and I really want to hear how this particular moment frozen in time makes someone other than Malinda feel.

If you feel so inclined, please share. ....Also, if anyone can tell me where this is, I'll give you some snail mail love...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One Day I Will Be a Flutterby...

I wonder what kind of butterfly this lovely little pataciller will become. This picture makes me miss spring. Everything is so new and beautiful with the onset of the new cycle of life and the wind promises that one day it will be warm. Right now spring feels far away...