Monday, January 26, 2009
I Miss Summer...

Saturday, January 24, 2009
I know it isn't Tuesday, but....
Friday, January 23, 2009
Dad's Blog
So.... please visit if you feel so inclined (www.jimfields.wordpress.com) cause you'll be gettin' nada hear until Tuesday and I promise it'll actually be a happy post, k?
Love all of ya!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Letting Go
Not so last Saturday. The cemetary covered in snow shivered in expectance and the wind howled and blew and fought. Bone chilling cold seeped into my veins and I imagined for one moment that my blood was ice and that I was a monument.
I stood still in the angry wind watched my cousins carry my Grandpa's coffin through the pouring snow. I watched my Father read from his Bible and heard his words. I held my Grandma's hand and my Mother touched my shoulder. The wind tried to push over the tent. The angry wind. A changing wind. My family stood and we all cried. And then we left the coffin there.
I felt that day that the world didn't want my Grandpa to go and that there were angels swirling all around us disguised by the snow. I felt that my Grandpa wasn't in that coffin, but in our hearts and watching us from behind the nearest tree. Urging us back to the warmth of our cars and the comfort of our family and friends.
I said goodbye once more and left.
Dulce suenos, my sweet Gramps. I'll see you again...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Goin' to Ohio to See Gramps and Granny

I am going to take a journey to Ohio with my sweet Mama and Lil' Sis to see my Gramps and Granny next week and will not be posting until I get home next Saturday. My Gramps isn't feeling so hot right now and we're hoping to cheer him and my Granny up a little.
In my absence, I leave you some bloggy fun...
http://www.pennynroscoe.blogspot.com/ - the "tails" (thanks Abby) of Penny and Roscoe
http://www.abbykey.blogspot.com/ - my sweet, lovin', awesome Abby (and sister extaordinaire)
http://www.betsyhaley.blogspot.com/ - my wonderful, crazy, beautiful Betsy (and sister extraodinaire)
http://www.jimfields.wordpress.com/ - my Dad - his blog ALWAYS makes my day better
http://www.alice-doors.blogspot.com/ - Just found her today, after she found me, but way cool site
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
She Wants to be Me

Monday, January 5, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
How We Roll.....

Friday, January 2, 2009
He's Not Allowed on the Couch...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
They Share...

Also, note violet down there by the *pond*. This is a big deal for poor, delicate V. You do not know how much courage that dog has summoned to be sitting where she is. She is not quite the brave country dog. More like a fragile broken thing that is finally recovering and becoming her true self. Good for you, V. (I know that I am talking to a dog on the computer. I know that she can't hear me or even if she could, she wouldn't completely understand, ok? Just cut me a little slack here...)