These are my sweet,
lovin' parents. I LOVE them and they make me
SOOO happy and would do ANYTHING for me. They always told me I could be anything I wanted to be - I could do anything I wanted to do - that there were no limits in life. They taught me to dream...how to be me and all that. I've never once doubted that they loved me. They're always loving and supportive and I am so thankful that they are mine!!

This is my sweet darling Kate. Soccer player
extraodinaire... She is my first niece and she and her brother taught me how to be an aunt. Time flies...it seems like she was a baby yesterday and the girl just turned 16. I have loved watching her grow and develop her own style and personality and am only sorry that I do not get to see her more than I do...

We have cats...one showed up and now we have a gaggle of them... I like them, though. There are no mice, rats, voles, rabbits, no nothing. They earn their keep over and over and SO FAR they do not kill my chickens unlike a certain 4 legged K-9 that shall remain unnamed. They hang in the back yard and garden area and follow us when we walk over to visit Neighbor Stan. They love my Saint Bernard - follow him everywhere when he is outside. I think that they think he is a really big furry cat or something because when he goes outside, they mob him. It's pretty funny. ANYWAY....
Have a good day and remember that Christmas is not about buying presents, people. Go get some canned food and drop it off at a church - any church - God ain't picky. Visit some websites and learn about how you can help people - any people as long as the corporation is legit - again, God ain't picky. Let us love one another this season and learn how to give Christmas to those who don't truly know what it is... or how to give it.
This is just a small list, people. The best thing to do if you want to be involved on a local level in your own community is to educate yourself. It takes work to find need a lot of times, but if you dig deep enough you'll always find it... we can ALL make a difference.