The definition of the word "weed" to many gardeners these days is, "Any
unwanted plant".
When I first saw the plant below, I classified it as a "weed" - something that I should eradicate from my garden, herb and flower beds, and life with great fervor and satisfaction.

Then I watched it grow...

and grow...the sun stayed up for longer and the days got warmer...

It then bolted... (see above) ...and then it did the most amazing thing...

Last year, Adam and I found these flowers next to the chicken pen...I vowed to let that very patch grow so that this spring we could identify the plant in it's vegetative stage. We let the patch grow up, but I only noticed it
after it bolted. :) BUT...while weeding one day, I noticed the similarity in the leaves of the "weed" I had
already pulled out of my garden aisles 30-THOUSAND times and the leaves of the pretty flowering plants that you see above. I think God was teaching me a lesson - and not just in plants...
Sidenote: Penny, the Walker Hound, needs a lovin' home...she was lost on our road and Adam found her half starved about one half of a mile from our home. She is loyal, faithful, and loves other dogs, big people, and kids too - just ask Wiebke!!