So, I wake up this morning intent on coffe, my comfy couch, and my sacred alone/computer/wake up time. It is sacred because I can listen to whatever music I want, hog the computer, work, blog, etc. Why would this morning be any different, you ask? Well, I stumbled into the music room this morning at 630 and this is what I found.

So I say, "Come on, guys, really? I don't see room for me on that couch." Mondo looks at me like this...

and then does this...

I'm sensing some serious St. Bernard apathy, here, folks. He really cares absolutley
not at ALL.-Now fast forward about 10 minutes. I have documented Mondo's apathy and gotten comfy (not really, but settled enough not to move when he groans, stretches and gets up to lay in FRONT of the DOOR. Something is waking...something very active, hound-doggy, wiggley, waggeldy, curious, and smart.

Good morning, Penny. (Reader, please note that my loveable, adorable, sweet, beautiful, well-behaved bulldog, Maggie, has slept through all of this - snoring occaisionally in contentment - and as I sit here an hour and a half later, she is
still in the same place she was when I stumbled upon this little doggy fest on what I thought was MY couch.)

I would be remiss in not mentioning little Mary J. She is such a little opportunist. She'll lay anywhere between the months of November and March just to be warm. Apperently Maggie is the best heater...
Stay warm everybody and have a
good day!!