
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This is Hank. He is not a pleasant rooster. He takes good care of his hens, but Adam is his mortal enemy.

Chickens taking a dust bath to cool off.

Larry the rooster. He is an Ameraucana. I think he looks like a biker.

>This is Chief. Fighter of dogs, eater of voles, assaulter of Adams, and layer of hens.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I went to visit Betsy and her girls coupla weekends ago. They're growing so fast and Anndee knows more words than any three year old I know! Needless to say, she keeps Bets on her toes...

Miss Navy Grace looking quite alert after some good ole goat milk.

Two beautiful flowers in Betsy's garden!

We always take pictures together when I go visit Betsy and the girls. Anndee took this one.

Anndee was quite excited about her gift from Adam. She kept saying "Thank you, Adam!' over and over to the camera.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Take 1

Take 50

Chloe's birthday 2
Isn't she beautiful?

Chloe and Mom

From Keith and Line'

Hey, Good Lookin'!
Chloe's Birthday

Friday, September 14, 2007

What makes a farmer happy?

butterfly tomatoes and first ever chicken eggs...

These are just to get started....we'll add some more pictures soon.